Breaking physical barriers and ensuring children become ‘true gardeners’ in creation!


The Rationale

FACT: Nature is the fabric of our world
PRINCIPLE: Know about nature and understand the principles that govern our world

FACT: Children are closer to nature
PRINCIPLE: Encourage the knowledge of nature in children at an early age and they will easily know how to live in the world

FACT: Children are naturally creative
PRINCIPLE: Look around- Nature is creative

FACT: Creativity is an attribute of the spirit within us
PRINCIPLE: Nature develops the spirit of a child in a positive manner and helps to build necessary connections both to the seen and unseen.

FACT: Discovery by self lays the foundations for proper knowledge
PRINCIPLE: Nature, well observed and listened to provides opportunities for discovery in children knowledge of which they can then call their own.

FACT: Knowledge tested brings conviction which lays the foundation for all future actions
PRINCIPLE: Nature provides the opportunities to test knowledge which then lays the foundation for future actions

Why it works

Various research has proven that by tapping into nature mental and creative energy is boosted as is health and wellness. The why is obvious. We are also part of nature. To learn about ourselves, what we are and why, we have to connect to nature. It’s as easy as that. Providing our children with this firm foundation, also gives them a stepping-stone in the world today.