I never thought about being a published writer, however from an early age (8) I have always written poems and stories when inspired by events and thoughts

I am inspired by my love for nature and children, and my conviction that the missing link in helping our children develop character and spirituality is through a connection with and discovery of nature and its laws. I drew from personal experience as well.

Putting together the pictures that I see in my mind’s eye, and apportioning dialogue to them. (it’s a lot of fun!)

Pressing my words into the confines of what my editor says it should read like. Sometimes I ignore her, ( as do many writers) and sometimes I find a midway point.

Not really. I do like to ask for guidance, conscious of the responsibility conscious of the responsibility that I am writing for children and looking to impart nature’s wisdom along the way. – I am not sure that’s quirky though! 

Secure. Secure in the knowledge that they can discover the importance of nature at a deeper level and filled with a compelling desire to explore, discover, have fun, and find their own specific connection with nature

I feel the most important message that my books try to highlight is the importance of the role of nature in the development of spirituality and character in children and the compelling need for nature to be seen as a Child’s first classroom. Just like a child must learn to speak the language of its parents, to live in the world, a child must also first learn the language of nature in order to live in harmony with it and it