At Magnifying horizons, we develop resources and provide information that  help parents use nature as a tool for  developing and nurturing character virtues and traits in their children.

The Simple things in Life have the GREATEST IMPACT!

When Children are in Nature the following happens:


  • They observe the laws under which nature functions
  • They can then understand how these laws function in human life
  • They develop an understanding of the importance of good over bad….
  • …and the implications and consequences of an action


  • Appropriate connections are formed which will eventually help them navigate the world around them


  • They become aware of their innate creative abilities which they can tap into as they develop in life
  • These innate creative abilities are in effect their spiritual power which they hone and develop just from learning from nature

This process allows for the development of appropriate character virtues in children.

Character virtues can all be explained within the laws under which nature functions. That is why Nature is the best teacher for the development of these virtues.

Hover your mouse over each law below and see some of the character virtues associated with it, Then, click on each character virtue and discover more information and resources on how Nature helps to develop each.

  • Sowing and Reaping (Cause & Effect)
responsibility, creativity, intuition
  • Attraction of similar species (Homogeneity)
responsibility, integrity, teamwork, love, respect
  • Balance (Equilibrium- give and take)
resilience, strength, respect, focus,
  • Gravity ( Lighter rises, dense weighs down)
responsibility, love, compassion, empathy, strength

